Processing credit cards has been an industry that feels increasing pressure to utilize more modern technology, like every other industry. Online payment systems, such as PayPal, have become very popular, but Arrow Payments is one of the first comprehensive payment processing companies using cloud applications and online options. Online payment services mean that customers can be billed through email, reducing the amount of paper waste and thereby the cost of doing business; the number of electronic bill payments in 2007 exceeded that of paper checks, signaling a paradigm change in the way businesses need to be processing credit cards and other payments.
Using cloud based applications for credit card processing also creates a reduction in cost, as well improvement in the quality of the transaction and a faster route to market. All of these things combined, which to an extent are available with online credit card processing as well, equal a more convenient, more effective, and more economical business plan.
Arrow Payments offers a range of services to its clients, and they have developed a PCI compliance program that ensure your data is safe and secure. PCI DSS, which stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, pertains to any and every organization and merchant who accepts, transmits, or stores cardholder data, including card number, PIN, and cardholder name, and PCI compliance programs are included with service. They manage level 2 and level 3 processing for B2B (or business to business) transactions, electronic invoicing, credit card storage, and a large number of other options for processing credit cards on their virtual terminal.
The mission of Arrow Payments is to offer you premium service at a competitive rate, and they want to put your mind at ease regarding the security of cardholder data. Arrow Payments also looks to improve at all levels with customer feedback. Processing credit cards is a very sensitive issue, but Arrow Payments will always address any concerns you or your customers may have regarding the process.