Those Who Need Assistance Properly Cleaning Their Fireplace Chimney Can Find New Steel Chimney Liners and Other Parts Online

Chimneys serve important functions to a home. Not only are they an added aesthetic to the home, but they also ensure its safety. Cleaning a chimney is an essential responsibility of owning a home and maintaining its safety and energy efficiency. Those who need advice on how to clean a chimney flue or need parts such as steel chimney liners, chimney cover caps, or flue repair parts can look...

Pinnacle Acupuncture in Seattle WA

Pinnacle Acupuncture509 Olive WaySeattle, WA Pinnacle Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, we establish a compassionate and healing partnership with our patients through in-office treatments, herbal therapy, Tui Na, dietary therapy and patient education. We offer Traditional Chinese Medicine at Pinnacle Acupuncture.